As soon as today's Expo Board Hearing begins, which should be in a couple of moments, Streetsblog will begin "tweeting" the coverage live at http://twitter.com/lastreetsblog. Once the Board votes on the Final Environmental Impact Statement on Phase II of the Expo Line, we'll post the results at this link. Tomorrow morning a post with more complete coverage of the meeting will come tomorrow morning.
Update, 6:45- It's official. The FEIS is approved by a of 5-1-1. Voting for the motion were Los Angeles Councilmen Wesson, Parks and Rosendahl, along with County Supervisor Yaroslavsky, a Councilwoman from Santa Monica sitting in for the injured Pam O'Conner, and Councilman Maslin from Culver City. Daniel Rosenfeld, sitting in for Supervisor Ridley-Thomas abstained.