A representative of Los Angeles Mayor
Antonio Villaraigosa's office will address the January 9 meeting of
Southern California Transit Advocates on Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa's
"30-10 Plan" for implementation of projects approved by the voters in
2008's Measure R.
The Long Range Transportation Plan recently adopted by the Metro Board
of Directors incorporates many public transportation projects which
would be funded with the sales tax revenue from Measure R, including an
extension of the Purple Line subway to Westwood, an extension of the
Gold Line to Azusa, the downtown light rail Regional Connector, a Green
Line extension to Torrance, and new rail lines in the Crenshaw and
Harbor Subdivision corridors. The Mayor's plan would seek new sources
of flexible funding to complete the major projects of the 30-year LRTP
in the space of one decade.
The presentation will begin at 1:00pm, with the general membership
meeting following at 2:15pm. The public is welcome to attend. For
information on meeting location and transit access, click on the
"Meetings" link in the left-hand menu.