Monday Dec. 14 at 6:30 p.m. Move LA and the Los Angeles County Museum
of Art are co-sponsoring a public meeting on Strategies to Accelerate
the Development of the Wilshire Subway and Other Measure R Projects in
Los Angeles County--What You Can Do to Help Implement the Measure R
30-Year Plan in 10 Years! The meeting will be held at the Museum's Brown Auditorium, in the Art of the
Americas building off the Central Court. The Museum is at 5905 Wilshire
Bl. just east of Fairfax.
So far we have only been getting the soundbite that Mayor Villaraigosa
has a 30 in 10 strategy. I'm curious to finally hear some more details
about just what is being proposed and what role interested citizens can
have in making this happen. It is an intriguing concept but as always
the devil is in the details. So far the only details are a laundry list
of strategies to be studied per the Metro Board motion Villaraigosa
co-sponsored with Metro Board Chair Ara Najarian at the Dec. Board
meeting. Hopefully the presenters at the event will flesh out the
skimpy details that the two page document for tomorrow's Metro Board Meeting offers.
Speakers include:
- Art Leahy, Metro CEO
- Richard Katz, Metro Board member
- Jaime de la Vega, Deputy Mayor for Transportation--city of Los Angeles
- Denny Zane, Executive Director of Move LA
- Metro staff with responsibility for planning and government relations of the projects
The event is free and open to the public . For more information, call (310) 310-2390.
service to the location include Metros Rapids on Fairfax and Wilshire
(the 780 and 720), a Wilshire Rapid Express during rush hour (the 920),
local services (20 on Wilshire, 217 on Fairfax) plus the Fairfax DASH
will be ending service just prior to the start of the meeting.