The Los Angeles County Bike Coalition reports that funding is finally in place for the Sharrows pilot program for L.A.'s streets, half a decade after the LACBC began their Sharrows Campaign. A group of funders have pooled their dollars to fund the Sharrows on a couple of Los Angeles' roads, but just because funding is in place doesn't mean the paint will start flowing; first the roads for the new paint need to be selected.
It's been over five years since the Bike Coalition began their Sharrows campaign and I know a lot of cyclists, Coalition staff included, have expressed some level of jealousy over the four-month time line used to bring the green-painted, Sharrowed, lanes to Long Beach. However, some good may have come from the delay, the Southern California Association of Governments have taken an interest in the project and if it proves succesful could lead to much shorter timelines for Sharrows projects around the county.
The Bike Coalition and LADOT have worked out a list of ten roads that they will choose among to place the first Sharrows. If you see a road that you think is particularly deserving, leave a note in the comments section I'll pass it on to the proper folks at LADOT and the Coalition:
4th Street from Wilton Pl. to Commonwealth Ave. in mid-Wilshire,
9th Street from Gaffey St. to Pacific Ave. in San Pedro,
9th Street from Pacific Ave. to Beacon St. in San Pedro,
Adams Blvd. from Western Ave. to Hoover St. in South L.A.,
Fountain Ave. from Western Ave. to Vermont Ave. in East Hollywood,
Polk Street from San Fernando Rd. to Sunrise Ridge Rd. in Sylmar,
Lankershim Blvd. from Moorpark St. to Oxnard St. in North Hollywood,
Verdugo Road from Eagle Rock Blvd. to City Limit in Northeast L.A.,
Westholme Ave. from Santa Monica Blvd. to Hilgard Ave. in Westwood, and
Workman Ave. from Alhambra Ave. to Ave. 28 in Lincoln Heights.
Those helping to fund this project, include the East Hollywood Neighborhood Council, the Bohnett Foundation, SCAG, and LADOT.