While reading the news magazine "The Week" this weekend, I noticed a small story about how stray dogs in Russia are starting to ride the Moscow Metro to get to their work. In the morning, the dogs ride into Moscow's down town where they spend the day scavenging for food among Moscow's business elite. At the end of the day they get back on the train and ride back "home."
Among some more amazing skill those Moscow dogs are the ability not tomiss their stop while going on the subway train. Biologists say dogshave very nice sense of time which helps them not to miss theirdestination. Another skill they have is to cross the road on the greentraffic light. “They don’t react on color, but on the picture they seeon the traffic light”, Moscow scientist tells. Also they choose oftenthe last or the first metro car - those are less crowded usually.
It kind of puts the argument that Angelenos can't learn to ride transit into perspective, doesn't it?