- "Cash for Clunkers" Funds Dry Up -- Now Car Dealers Want More Taxpayer $ (NYT, Times)
- Santa Monica Green Street Lets Water Get to the Ground (Creak Freek)
- Caltrans' Goes High Tech with Highway Studs (Times)
- The CDC Isn't Just for Fighting Mutant Monkeys Carrying the Plague, They Also Support Complete Streets (Complete Streets Blog)
- KCET Features Ted "Biking In LA" Rogers as Blogger of the Week
- Best Transit Headline of 2009 (Bus Bench)
- Bike Culture in the UK (Guardian via Let's Go Ride a Bike)
- Tucson Gets Its First Sharrows, And They're in the Middle of the Traffic Lane (TBL via Streetsblog.net)
More headlines at Streetsblog Capitol Hill