This Thursday, Metro will take the first public steps to remove its rush hour bans against bikes on certain trains. In just the year and a half since LA Streetsblog began publishing, Metro has threatened to vigorously enforce this ban, backed off strict enforcement, piloted a program of taking out seats to make more space for bikes on trains, expanded that pilot to more trains and now is publicly talking about ending all "bike bans" in favor of signage directing cyclists to the best places to rest bikes while riding the trains.
Details on the timing for the end of this ban, and how news of the potential new policy would be communicated to the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department and Metro secutiry have yet to be revealed. To help get this information out, Streetsblog will "live tweet" the noon meeting at twitter.com/lastreetsblog.
The first step in the public process to end the ban will be a pair of meetings this Thursday in Metro Headquarters at noon and 6 P.M. The meetings will be held at the Board Overflow Room on the Third Floor across from the cafeteria. For more information, you can read Metro's official announcement, available online exclusively at Streetsblog, here.