Rumors have been swirling that the Metro Board is actually going to do a final vote on the 2009 Long Range Transportation plan, less than 24 hours after it was first released to the public, to head off opposition that was planning to make a stand at the June 25 Metro Board meeting. I repeat, these are only rumors at this point, but it bears watching. It does say on the agenda that the Board could adopt the LRTP this afternoon, but for a Board already under fire for the contempt it showed the public two weeks ago, it's more than disheartening see them rushing the process again,
For those of you that don't religiously scour the Streetsblog comment section, a copy of the changes to the LRTP are available here.
Just a reminder I'll be live tweeting today's events. You can follow my tweets at The meeting is scheduledto start at 1 P.M.
(Update, 1:22 P.M.: On behalf of the Mayor, who isn't here yet, Richard Katz just announced that the vote on the LRTP will be put off until the July Board Meeting. Apparently there's no vote necesary for that sort of thing, but it's still good news.)