Late Monday night, "Roadblock" one of the most prominent of the Midnight Ridazz, was rear-ended and left in the street during a hit-and-run assault on Glendale Blvd. As he wrote on Midnight Ridazz:
Was heading N. On glendale blvd. Was in far right lane preparing for achange to left lane to make left at park. I looked back and saw a carapproaching at extremely high speed. I aborted my lane transfer and thecar swerved into my lane and rear ended me at about 45mph. I flew uponto hood and probably dented hood and windshield. Drive applied breaksand I flew off into the street in the right lane. My read wheel istaco-ed and rear of bike smashed.
I had a helmet on. I was solo. Rear light on. Reflectors on shoes and headlight on flash minewt night rider.
Anyone that witnessed the crash or has other information is urged to contact him at the information above. The dark colored sedan should have dents on its hood and windshield and the license plate is close to 6GYC11.
Because Don has become something of a well-known face at City Hall in recent months, his crash could help highlight the unsafe streets that many cyclists face. Hopefully this crash can lead to better street protections for all of us. This trend of hitting cyclists and fleeing the scene needs to be addressed, and addressed soon.