Last year, on January 29, the City Council held an all-day hearing on transportation. The meeting was heavily covered in blogs and in the news and a couple of months later, the City Council released a list of 25 action items for the City to work on to make transportation better.
Well, it's been a year and a year can be a long time. For example, last year at this time, I was still writing at Street Heat. So, how do you think the city is doing? Their full list of action items is available after the jump.
1. (Weiss)Report back on how the Department of City Planning(DCP) and Departmentof Transportation (LADOT) can combine efforts on the West Los Angelescommunity plan.
2. (Greuel) Direct LADOTand DCP to report back with a status report on a previousGreuel-Rosendahl motion (CF: 07-2419) relative to traffic counts.
3. (Greuel)Report back as to how the Department of Transportation and the PlanningDepartment will work together to address the transportation aspects ofplanning in Los Angeles.
4. (Garcetti) Inorder to increase walkability along Metro Red Line stations, directLADOT to develop a proposal for turning Western Ave into a pedestrianfriendly corridor, as part of a broader strategy to obtain funding fromMetro's Call for Projects.
5. (Garcetti) Direct LADOT to investigate the feasibility of a 24-hour public transit information system.
6. (Garcetti) Direct LADOT and DCP to study park-and-ride lots around Metro Red Line stops to encourage the usage of the subway.
7. (Garcetti)Direct LADOT and the CAO to study the feasibility of providingincentives for City employees and private businesses to increasecarpooling.
8. (Garcetti) Direct LADOT to work with the CLA, CRA and DCP to create a valet district in Hollywood.
9. (Garcetti)Direct the CLA and DOT to work with the Hollywood Property Alliance tocreate a Hollywood Transportation website as a one-stop shop for peopleto access transit information in Hollywood.
10. (Garcetti)Direct LADOT to examine the feasibility of installing wireless internetaccess in Commuter Express and DASH busses as part of the City'sTransportation Strategic Plan.
11. (Reyes)Direct LADOT to examine how to better match funding sources to thegoals outlined in the Mission Statement of the City's TransportationStrategic Plan, in order to achieve more funding for public transit,increased DASH service, bicycle and pedestrian amenities.
12. (Reyes)Direct LADOT to report with recommendations to change the method ofdata collection to improve prioritization of transportation projectsthat accommodate all users rather than vehicular traffic only.
13. (Reyes) Direct the DCP to report on how it can playa greater role in transportation planning.
14. (Reyes)Direct LADOT to report on the new transportation planning concept thatless signage and signalization on the roads may actually enhance safetyby forcing drivers to slow down and pay attention, as well as otherways the City can enhance public safety on city streets.
15. (Reyes)Direct LADOT and DCP to detail how the General Plan TransportationElement update will interface with the City's Transportation StrategicPlan.
16. (Reyes) Direct LADOT and DCP toreport on the coordination efforts the City is pursuing with regionalagencies, such as Metro and SCAG and to identify innovative strategies,such as congestion pricing, reduced and shared parking, road diets,etc., that appear to be the most viable for the City of Los Angeles.
17. (Reyes)Since much of the region's existing rail and goods movement corridorsrun along the Los Angeles River, direct LADOT and DCP to report on waysto design a transportation system that coexists and provides multiplebenefits to the Los Angeles River while serving transportation needs.
18. (LaBonge)Direct LADOT to improve the City's taxi system by establishing a "redcar" or a Metro Red Line taxi system that would take travelers towithin a quarter of a mile of a subway station.
19. (LaBonge)Direct LADOT to report back on ways to keep "big traffic," (largevolumes of traffic) on "big streets," (such as Roscoe, Sherman Way,Victory Boulevards) to make the flow of cars more sensible.
20. (LaBonge)Direct LADOT to report back on freeway improvements that can be made toclear up "pinch points" (points of chronic traffic congestion) on localstreets, such as Vermont Avenue, Silverlake Boulevard and GlendaleUnion Avenue.
21. (LaBonge) Instruct LADOTto report on ways to seek local funding opportunities with otherjurisdictions that would allow Los Angeles to build futuretransportation projects.
22. (Rosendahl) Direct LADOT to report with a proposal to develop a bike path in Mandeville Canyon.
23. (Hahn)Direct the CLA to include a self-help funding clause in the City'sFederal legislative agenda relative to transportation funding formulasthat would credit local jurisdictions that have taxed themselves tofund transportation projects.
24. (Greuel)Instruct the CLA to report with the City'S transportation legislativepriorities before the State Legislature's February 22,2008 deadline fornew bill introduction.
25. (Hahn) Directthe CLA and LADOT to report on the steps necessary to include theHarbor Line rail proposal in Metro's Long Range Transportation Plan.