What if I told you that there was an easy way to improve pedestrian safety at low cost to the city? How about if I told you that this pedestrian improvement could also make space for streetscaping or bike parking? You'd probably be ready to start the campaign to get them installed on Los Angeles' streets, especially in high pedestrian areas where LADOT is pushing to increase speed limits.
The geniuses at Streetfilms strike again, giving us an example of how you can radically change the way a street conforms to pedestrian needs at the low cost of a parking space and some concrete. The video shows how removing the automobile parking spaces closest to intersections, the sightline of drivers and pedestrians is dramatically increased and it creates space for other amenities.
And hear is even better news! The DOT is actively making these changes throughout the city. What? That's NYCDOT? Bummer.
Last, for anyone that gets to the end of a film and has the right idea, the naming contest is open to people in Los Angeles.