Anticipation for the first Los Angeles Bike Summit, a gathering of cyclists, activists and organizations to create a common agenda for cycling in Los Angeles scheduled for March 7, is growing. With announcements of new speakers coming from around the country, and the launch of a new website the summit is starting to come together in a visible and exciting way.
If you would like to be part of the summit by making a presentation to the hundreds of cyclists that will be present, the time to submit is now? The application, available here, was originally due later today but summit organizer Joe Linton told me that if someone needs until early next week to finish their proposal, that's ok too. If you're not sure what a workshop for the Summit would look like, their webpage provides some examples of ones that are already confirmed:
Workshop Title: Bicycles and the Southern California College/UniversityPresenter(s) and Contact Info: Ramon Martinez of the Green Bike Program at Pitzer College. Short Summary: Thegoal of the workshop is to promote bike ridership on campuses, connectstudent activists to professional activists, and cultivate lifelongbicycle advocacy and jobs. The workshop will address the role of campusprograms in moving forward the larger Southern California bike movement.
Workshop Title: Overcoming the Barriers of Bicycling through Social NetworkingPresenter(s) and Contact Info: Ron Milam of BikesageShort Summary: Howdoes someone decide to start bicycling in LA? While many people havestarted bicycling in Los Angeles, the majority of people still do notride on a regular basis. This panel explores innovative, peer-to-peerstrategies for encouraging people to start riding a bicycle. Theworkshop will present the initial results of the BikeSage concept,areas in which it has been successful, as well as areas in whichchallenges remain. After an initial presentation, the format will openup into a facilitated discussion.