(Aaron Naperstek over at NYC Streetsblog carries the news that it's official: Little known Congressman Ray LaHood will be the next Secretary of Transportation. The post below lists some of the discussion surrounding LaHood from earlier today)
The Hill
is reporting that Illinois Representative Ray LaHood, described as a
centrist Republican, is in talks with the Obama team about taking a
Cabinet post, most likely as Secretary of Transportation. The official
announcement could be made as early as Friday.
If LaHood is chosen, it would come as something of a surprise, as his name has so far escaped widely circulated short lists
for the position. His district includes Peoria and Springfield, and he
did not seek re-election this year. His recent voting record indicates a willingness to buck the party line on transportation measures: This year he supported the Saving Energy Through Public Transportation Act and the Passenger Rail Investment Act. We'll have more on this potential selection as the story develops.