Streetsblog Network is our brand new clearinghouse
of sustainable transport, smart growth and livable streets news, linked
from blogs across the country. Here's a taste of what's on the site
right now.
Seeking Redemption for the Strip Mall.
Milwaukee, WI: Is there an upside to strip mall sprawl? Some believe
big box stores like Wal-Mart, by forcing small retailers to diversify,
make a valuable and necessary contribution to the economy. Where looks at how "the boxscape" might be an asset to a new suburbia.
The Meaning of an American Commonwealth.
Indianapolis, IN: What role should the federal government play in
ensuring economic health for all regions of the nation? What
responsibility do prosperous areas have to those suffering a downturn?
Midwesterners and others debate the answer on The Urbanophile.
Also on
bike commuting tips, congestion pricing in San Francisco, thoughts from
Texas on how to encourage connectivity in subdivisions, and much more.
Photo: austrini/Flickr