Stephen Box reports at City Watch LA that the City Council has approved the long-debated motion by Ed Reyes to reform the city's Bicycle Advisory Committee. There's no point in re-writing the wheel, so I'll leave the description to Stephen.
motion passed unanimously but that didn't stop debate, albeit one-sided
and supportive, with Councilman Ed Reyes taking the lead in addressing
the needs of cyclists for support from our Transportation and Planning
Departments. It was Reyes who originally moved to reorganize the BAC
and it was his office who got involved, attending meetings and offering
suggestions on how the process could be more inclusive and open to the
BAC reorganization motion directs the BAC to elect officers, it directs
the Transportation and the Recreation and Parks Departments to staff
the BAC with support from the Planning Department and with Public Works
directed to address the concerns of cyclists. It further assigned the
City Attorney the responsibility of addressing the Brown Act and
offering support as appropriate or when requested. It's not quite the
document it was when introduced, having gone through committee three
times, but if it clearly communicates a Council commitment to
supporting an effective BAC, then so be it.
Photo: Ubrayj02/Flying Pigeon LA