The concept is pretty simple. A group of cyclists create and set up booths and other amenities around an already bike-friendly area to create a Bike Town. Organized by Alec Schwarz, one of the famed Midnight Ridazz, the event is simply described as thus:
We will be transforming several square blocks into a mini bike town.Simply ride your bike around the area meandering up and down everystreet. Make stops to patronize businesses, enjoy parks, and chat withother riders. It will be like a Midnight Ridazz stop on every corner.
But here's the thing. The event has created a huge level of excitement on the Internet from people thirsting for a more bike friendly city. Over 100 people have RSVP'd their attendance on the Facebook site for the ride and two group rides have been organized to the event. One will start from the "Hel-Mel" bike district at 4:15 P.M. and the other will leave Winward Circle in Venice at 5 P.M. For more information about this, or other Midnight Ridazz events, check out their website. Upcoming events can be found in the bar on the far right of the screen.
This is the first event of it's kind that's been organized in recent memory. Usually Ridazz events have a much smaller attendance than what is expected this Saturday at Bike Town Beta, and it will be interesting to see how the event handles the large crowd that is expected.
Best of luck to everyone this weekend, and check back next week for some photos that show that every weekend is a bike weekend in Los Angeles.
Photo: Alec Schwarz/Midnight Ridazz