(The following piece is by Erin Steva, CALPIRG's high speed rail coordinator for the Greater Los Angeles area. Her contact information is at the bottom for anyone interested in helping to get a bonding ballot proposition passed next November.)
Ready to start laying the tracks for a high-speed rail? We have less
then 28 days to pass Prop 1A which would allow the high-speed rail to
move forward. We are right on the cusp of winning, but do need swing
the state by educating undecided voters.
That is why we are doing a series of events in upcoming weeks to make
sure secure those critical votes. If you have an hour or two open, come
on by to one of the following:
Sunday (October 12)- Voter Education Table, 2:30-6: We will be at the
Franklin Village Street fair, meeting at Franklin and Bronson. We are
asking volunteers to pitch in whatever they can.
Wednesday (October 15)- High-Speed Rail Action Meeting, 7-8:30:
Volunteers can learn more about Prop 1a, and what we need to do to win.
After the briefing, we will write letters to the editor to key
newspapers, and also start to plan the next big event. Meeting is at
3435 Wilshire Blvd Suite 385, Los Angeles.
If you have any questions, or would like to be updated on future events, please contact esteva@calpirg.org. Looking forward to helping build the rail!
Image: California High Speed Rail