Following the example of desperate car companies and brothel owners, Sacramento State Senator Dean Florez floated an idea to attract new people participate in the state lottery: instead of just giving away money to the winners, give away free gas!
Florez tells the Times:
"As we look for ways to think 'outside the box' to make the lotteryattractive to new players . . . it seems to me that this is one ideathat should be given serious and prompt consideration," Florez wrote,adding that lottery players would find an offer of gas "a tantalizingprospect in today's energy market."
Even ignoring the obvious transportation related problems with the Florez plan (aren't we allegedly kicking our addiction to oil and focusing on reducing vehicle emissions) this is still just a bizarre idea. Given that a sizable portion of the population doesn't own a car, is the best way to get them to play the lottery to offer them a prize for which they have no use?