Streetfilms brings us video of Portland's first Ciclovia. I'm sure they'll cover LA's first one too, in 2184.
Clarence Eckerson Jr. reports:
Despite a very dreary and damp first half of the day, Portland's first Ciclovia-style street closure, Sunday Parkways,was a smashing success with countless thousands of city residentsparticipating. It was like a giant community block party with walkers,bikers, joggers, bladers, families, and pets filling the 6 mile course.
There were plenty of fun activities in four northeast parks thatwere linked by the circuit, which was opened to bikes and pedestriantraffic only from 8 AM to 2 PM. For cities planning their ownCiclovias, here are some things I liked about Portland's event:knowledgeable volunteers, lots of fun chalk messages on the ground,easy to follow directions, lots of music & entertainment, and ahuge number of bike stations for bike repair.