A talk by Jeff Kenworthy, co-author of Sustainability and Cities: Overcoming Automobile Dependence. Jeff is professor in Sustainable Cities at Curtin University Sustainability Policy Institute in Perth Australia.
Kenworthy will bring us up to date on all the latest research on rail in the major cities of North America, Australia, Europe and Asia comparing hi, median and low rail cities with respect to a variety of quality of life issues, competitiveness with cars, comparative urban form, and economics.
The presentation will help us see that that urban rail systems are a critical element in building effective multi-modal public transport systems that create a 'virtuous circle' in public transport and compete more successfully with the car. The talk also shows that cities that are more rail-oriented tend to develop better qualitative features of the urban environment such as more livable, attractive and congenial people-oriented public spaces.
See more info on Jeff and his work at: http://www.humanities.curtin.edu.au/staff.cfm?id=MHLJKIf Free Event No reservations required Sponsored by L.A. Eco-Village,Sierra Club, Beverly-Vermont Community Land Trust, So. California Transit Advocates in association with Metro.