If it seems like the online transportation community is growing these days, that’s because it is. The newest addition? A blog by Metro’s Citizen Advisory Council was created to announce meeting topics and topics guests and conduct ongoing polls of public opinion on matters coming before the Metro Board of Directors.
The blog is a no-frills one hosted by blogger.com, but it’s off to a good start content wise. The blog already has a poll on routing of the Orange Line extension and two posts. I think it took over two weeks for Metro’s Imagine Blog to produce that sort of content.
The second post is by the secretary of Metro's Citizens' Advisory Council, Kymberleigh Richards announcing the Citizen’s Advisory Council’s next meeting.
The next meeting of the Metro Citizens' Advisory Council will be held on Wednesday, April 23, at 6:30pm, in the Gateway Plaza Room, 3rd Floor, of the Metro headquarters building (adjacent to Union Station).
David Mieger, Deputy Executive Officer, Westside Planning, will report on the corridor studies for the Westside Extension and the downtown Regional Connector.
The public is invited to attend.
The Citizens’ Advisory Council (CAC) was established in 1977. Its membership reflects a broad spectrum of interests and geographic areas of the County. The purpose of the CAC is to consult, obtain and collect public input on matters of interest and concern to the community, and to communicate the CAC’s recommendations with respect to such issues to the Metro Board of Directors. Issues may also be assigned to the CAC by the Board for its review, comment and recommendation.