For those of you following the controversy surrounding the potential closure of the Ballona Creek Bike path along Culver Drive between Purdue Avenue and Sawtelle Boulevard, alert Streetsblog commenter Greg passes along the following message from the Councilman's office:
Thank you for contacting the Office of Councilmember Rosendahlregarding the Ballona Creek bike path. A public meeting will be held onThursday, April 3rd 6-7:30pm in Councilmember Rosendahl’s WestchesterField Office located at 7166 W. Manchester Blvd.Westchester, CA 90045 todiscuss community concerns. Representatives from the Los Angeles PoliceDepartment and Department of Transportation will be present. I encourageyou to attend and share your perspective.
If you have any questions, please email or call me.
Nicole A. VelásquezField DeputyCouncilmember Bill RosendahlCity of Los Angeles, 11th District7166 W. Manchester Blvd.Westchester, CA 90045PH: (310) 568-8772FAX: (310) 410-3946EMAIL: