605 Corridor Improvement Project
Metro Updates: 25 Months of Ridership Growth, and More
Metro ridership is growing steadily, plus Metro 605/5/10/60/105 Freeway expansion, Metro Micro, bus electrification, C Line, and Metro wildfire response
Metro and Caltrans Still Planning 605 Expansion, Plus Four Connecting Freeways
Metro and Caltrans are planning to spend billions of dollars widening the 605, 5, 10, 60 and 105 Freeways. Really.
Metro to Mitigate Increased Driving on Future Freeway Expansion Projects – Part 1
When CA agencies widen freeways they must mitigate the resulting increase in driving - by including components that get folks out of cars. The requirement took effect in 2020, but grandfathered in current expansion.
Metro Announces 605 Freeway Widening Project Will Not Demolish Homes
Metro Senior Director Isidro Pánuco announced that the 605 Corridor Improvement Project will have no residential displacements as it will be kept within existing Caltrans right-of-way
Metro Postpones 605 Freeway Widening Project Community Meetings
Metro had announced corridor-wide 605 Freeway Corridor Improvement Project meetings would take place June-July 2023, but this week pushed them back to Fall-Winter 2023