Healthy Streets L.A. vote at City Council, Metro board meeting, and more:
- Varies - L.A. County Public Health's 2 p.m. COVID-19 briefings are one or two days each week. Watch at the County Channel, Channel 94 on most cable systems, or via the County of Los Angeles Facebook page, where broadcast briefings are archived.

- Wednesday 8/24 - The Streetsblog L.A. endorsed Healthy Streets L.A. initiative is scheduled for a vote of the Los Angeles City Council at their 10 a.m. meeting this Wednesday [agenda]. If the council does not approve it, then the measure goes before L.A. City voters, likely in the 2024 primary election. From Streets for All's alert:
After a year and a half, it all comes down to THIS WEDNESDAY. The City Council has item #20 on its agenda to consider adopting Healthy Streets L.A. now, or send it to the 2024 ballot. The City Council no longer takes remote comments, and we need you to show up in person Wednesday at 10am at L.A. City Hall (200 N. Spring St. Room 340) and make public comment asking them to take Option #1, and adopt Healthy Streets L.A. Here are some talking points you can use. We suggest timing yourself to make sure you can say everything you want to say in 1 minute.
- Thursday 8/25 - The full Metro board will meet to discuss and approve various items. Agenda and staff reports at Metro board meetings webpage.
- Ongoing - Join the Eastside Riders Bike Club at Ted Watkins Park in Watts for Physical Education for the Entire Family. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Friday from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. See Facebook post for more details.
Did we miss anything? Is there something we should list on future calendars? Email joe [at]