At tonight's meeting of the Glassell Park Improvement Association, Los Angeles City Councilmember Mitch O'Farrell will be presenting the Department of Transportation's (LADOT) planned Fletcher Drive Streetscape Project. Project plans are posted at the GPIA website. The project includes a road diet with bike lanes, plus new landscaped median islands. The bike lanes extend 0.8 miles from Fletcher and San Fernando Road to Avenue 36 and Eagle Rock Boulevard. Fletcher turns into Avenue 36 just north of the 2 Freeway.
This safety project would make Fletcher Drive safer for students at the adjacent Irving Middle School and Fletcher Drive Elementary School. Fletcher also serves as an important connection from Northeast L.A. to the L.A. River, Silver Lake, and Hollywood, though those connections will need to see the road diet extended below San Fernando Road. Hopefully some day.
Tonight's meeting place at 7 p.m. at the Glassell Park Senior Center at 3750 Verdugo Road, next to the Glassell Park Rec Center and Pool.

Nearby Verdugo Road is also in the early planning stages of another NELA street safety road diet project. The project, according to this GPIA Facebook event page, is expected to include "bike lanes, left-turn pocket lanes, high-visibility crosswalks, and reduced lanes of auto traffic" on Verdugo Road from Eagle Rock Boulevard to Plumas Street, near the city border with Glendale.
GPIA and Councilmember Jose Huizar are hosting a workshop for public input on the Verdugo Road safety project. The forum takes place next week: Thursday May 19 at 7 p.m. at the Glassell Park Community Center at 3750 Verdugo Road, at the Glassell Park Rec Center and Pool.
Find out more about the Verdugo Road project at the Neighbors for a Safer Verdugo website.