- Editorial: Metro Tap Vs. Ridership Discrepancies Are Troubling (LAT)
- Politics of the Highway Trust Fund Showdown (KPCC)
- Venice Boardwalk Ped Killed by Driver, Family Sues City (LAT)
- Armadillo Kinda Rhymes With What Councilmember Opposed to Bike Lanes? (Flying Pigeon)
- Editorial: Controller Galperin on L.A.'s Potholed Streets (LAT)
- Editorial Cartoon and Commentary: Is Great Streets Really Just Gentrification (LAT)
- Sharrows Don't Change Anything (Orange 20)
- Using Art and Play to Discuss Santa Monica's Future (Santa Monica Next)
- Parking Problems? Don't Blame the App (SB NYC)
- Will People Remember S.F. Mayor Ed Lee For Defending Free Parking? (SB SF)
- Get Rid of Curb Parking in the Core, Says Toronto Mayoral Candidate (National Post)
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