On Saturday, Councilmember Mitch O'Farrell hosted a bike lane dedication for a half-mile of new north-south lanes on Virgil Avenue between Santa Monica Blvd. and Melrose. The project includes all new pavement, bike lane and Continental Crosswalk striping, as well as removal of peak hour parking restrictions.
The lanes connect to Santa Monica Blvd. bike lanes that extend east from Virgil Avenue to a larger bicycle network. A list of bicycle lane projects for 2014 shows the lanes being extended another 1.5 miles south to Wilshire Boulevard.
"During a community meeting in September, my constituents in Virgil Village asked for a safer Virgil Avenue," said O'Farrell.
"A few months later, with community input, we implemented a solution that makes for a better pedestrian environment and that encourages small business growth along this blossoming commercial corridor."