Ever wondered why there isn’t a Southern California chapter of your favorite professional organization, APBP? So did we! Let’s get started by gathering for a no-host happy hour on November 14 at 6:00 p.m. at Far Bar http://farbarla.com/ at 347 East 1st Street in Little Tokyo in downtown LA.
Local chapters can provide APBP members with:
- A forum for exchanging ideas
- Social and networking activities
- Career development
- Cross-pollination of ideas, energy and programs across regions and professional fields
- Mentoring
- Student engagement
- Membership growth
- Opportunities to build expertise
If you can’t make it but would like to be involved in planning future events, please let us know. We are looking for some ready, willing, and able chapter coordinators! Questions? Contact Ryan Johnson atryanjohnson@altaplanning.com.