Metro Board Chair Diane Dubois offers an interesting motion to the Metro Board of Directors this month concerning public input to the Metro Board of Directors. The motion directs the County Counsel to report back to Metro at its October Board meeting with "revised Public Input rules that maximize Public Input and provide this Board flexibility in conducting meetings."
This motion could be the first step in allowing remote testimony, similar to what the L.A. City Council Transportation Committee tried this summer, or it could be a thinly veiled plan to lesson the amount of microphone time given to uber-gadfly John Walsh. At this point, we don't know because the wording is pretty vague.
Since the Metro Board will be hearing this motion next week, and new rules could go into place for the October meeting, this could be the best chance to weigh in. So to anyone who's attended or listened to a Metro Board Meeting, what's your advice? How could we make the public testimony even better?
And by better, I don't necessarily mean more entertaining...but if that's your definition of better feel free to get creative.