- Pat Morrison Fantasizes About Mike Gatto, Speculates Baselessly About Meter Policies (LAT)
- LADOT Peddling the "Remove a Crosswalk for Safety" Argument Again (Eastsider)
- Garcetti Rides the Bus, Pledges to Keep Doing It (KPCC)
- Our "Summer Series" Producer Gives an Expo Tour for (LAist)
- Let Uber Operate (LAT)
- LA Unpaved a Parking Lot and Built Paradise with Grand Park (This Big City)
- 150 Residents Representing 10 Cities March in Opposition to 710 Big Dig (SBLA LITE)
- Huizar Proposal Allows Neighborhood Councils to Limit Participation by Businesses, Workers (Daily News)
- It Might Surprise You Who Does, Doesn't, Support Ride Share (KPCC)
- Garcetti Wants More Filming in L.A., Promises to Create Film Czar (The Wrap)
- Asks All GMs, Including De La Vega, to Reapply (LAT, Daily News)
- Santa Monica Hopes Real Time Meter Data Helps Ease Weekend Traffic Crunch (Lookout!)
- Big Rig Spills Peppers on I-5, Closes Freeway Near Griffith Park (Daily News)
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