- Editorial: Unions to Blame for Slow Pace of CEQA Reform (Daily News)
- Even as CEQA Blasted For Delaying Wonderful Emerald Necklace Plan in SGV (SGV Trib, Star-News)
- Christine Dahab Pleads Guilty, Faces Jail Time (Biking In L.A.)
- Merge Building and Planning Departments, Some Officials Say It Could be Villaraigosa's Swan Song (Downtown News)
- Thank Goodness Someone Has Done Something About Charming, Harmless St. Vincent's (LAT)
- High Speed Rail Dolls Out $50 Million in Contracts (ABC 7)
- While Gov. Brown Visits One of the More Successful Lines in China (SacBee)
- PATCH's Turn to Create L.A. County Dangerous Intersection Map
- Artists Chosen for Phase II of Expo Line Stations (Curbed)
- Many Renters No Longer Consider Home Ownership a Worthy Goal (LAT)
- I'm Not Sure What to Make of this City Watch Piece on Bicycling and Sharrows
- Not Everyone Buys Culver's Chamber's Presidents' Apology to Cyclists (Biking in L.A.)
- Daily Carnage: Big Rig Crashes on 605, Fuel Spill Closes Lanes (LAT)
More headlines at Streetsblog Capitol Hill