- Metro Considers Changing Measure R Expenditure Plan, Start Some Rail Project Funding Sooner (The Source)
- It's Summer, That Means Cyclists v Peds Over Santa Monica Beach Bike Path (CBS2)
- Council Considers More Budget Cuts (LAT)
- Wesson: We're Still Totally Getting an NFL Team. Sometime Soon. Really. (Daily News)
- Brian Addison Gets His Wish. LB Transit Buys Electric Buses (Press-Telegram)
- Ports Expect More Tax Revenue in Coming Years (LAT)
- Expo Construction Underway for Bridge Over Venice (ABC7, The Source)
- Letter: City Wasted Money on Sandblast/Re-Stripe of Valley Road (Daily News)
- Senator Price: Maybe My City Council Opponent Isn't Race Baiting (LAT)
- 3 Killed in Motorcycle and Truck Crashes on L.A. Freeways (Daily News)
More headlines at Streetsblog Capitol Hill