The big event on the calendar has to be the Move L.A. event at the end of the week. And not just because it has a party for Bill Rosendahl at the end.
- Monday: The City of Santa Monica hosts a community workshop for their pedestrian master plan. They say the goal is to make the entire city a safe and enjoyable place to walk, but to do that they need your help. Read the press release in our calendar section.
- Tuesday: The Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition’s Civic Engagement Committee meets at 6:45 pm on the last Tuesday of each month. This month’s meeting will take place at the Pitfire Pizza on Second and Main in Downtown L.A. on Tuesday, January 29th, focusing on the upcoming March elections. Email bikinginla at hotmail dot com to be added to the discussion list.
- Wednesday: The Transit Coalition moved it's monthly meeting for one month only. Remember, they now meet in Union Station and reservations are necessary. The subject of this week's meeting is "Regional Rail, Bob Hope Airport, HSR." Get more information about registering at their website.
- Thursday: Pasadena gets in on the whole "Bike Boulevard" trend with the opening of the Rose City's first official bike boulevard at 3 p.m. at the corner of Marengo Avenue and Orange Grove Boulevard. Patch broke the story and has the details.
- Friday: Friday, February 1st marks Move LA’s 5th Annual Transportation Conversation from 8 am to 3:30 pm in the old ticketing area at Union Station. If you bring a bike, you get in for free. Get more details here, and we'll have a full write up later in the day.
- Saturday: The Parklets are coming! The Parklets are Here! The long awaited Highland Park York Boulevard Parklet Grand Opening and Community Celebration will be at 1 p.m. on York Boulevard, just east of Avenue 50. Get the event details here. Learn more about the Parklet, here. This is the first of three Parklet unveilings occurring in the next week.
Did we forget or miss something? Is there something we need to know coming up? Email damien at streetsblog dot org.