- Drivers Grumble, ExpressLanes Off to SmoothStart (LAT)
- Congestion Free Trips for Single Occupancy Vehicles Could Go to $15.40 (LAT)
- Are Toll Lanes a Slippery Slope? (SGV Tribune)
- Judge Won't Stop Work on Regional Connector Despite Lawsuits (Downtown News)
- Transit Coalition Chair Ken Alpern: Measure J Is Gone, What Now? (City Watch)
- Huge Porsche Playground Approved for Golf Course in Carson (Daily Breeze via Curbed)
- Update on Progress on Expo Bikeway (LACBC Blog)
- 89 Year Old Man Beaten on Culver City Bus Earlier This Month Dies (LAist)
- Malibu Nets 5 DUI's with Weekend Traffic Sting (Daily News)
- CA Gas Usage Continues Its “Long-Standing General Trend” of Decline (SacBee)
- March Brings a Flood of Candidates to Municipal Elections (LAT)
More headlines at Streetsblog Capitol Hill
We'll have a lot more on ExpressLanes tomorrow, we're under a light schedule today in honor of veteran's day.