- Editorial: It' a Good Thing That Cities Have to Cut Trees for Shuttle Parade (LAT)
- California Cities Frontiline in Soda Wars Thanks to Tax Initiatives (Reuters)
- LADOT Leading on New Sharrows Design (LADOT Bike Blog)
- Labor Groups Seek to Stop Wal-Mart Construction (Biz Journal)
- Actress Amanda Byrnes Faces a Year in Jail for Hit and Runs (LAT)
- "Jerry Browned" by a Hollywood Tour Bus (Biking In L.A.)
- Another Suicide by Train Story, This Time with Metrolink (Daily News)
- Metro Staff Don't Want You to Get Hit by Trains (The Source)
- It's Looking Like 710 Big Dig Could Be Denied, Again (Eastside Sun)
- Why Does Bike Theft Persist? Because There’s No Enforcement (Streetsblog NYC)
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