One of my favorite love poems of all times was written by the inestimable lover, Roger Rabbit. To quote:
How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count the Ways ... A Thousand and One, A Thousand and Two, A Thousand and...
At this point Eddie cuts him off, if memory serves, by strangling him. Too bad, I was on pins and needles waiting to here how that line ended.
But in the spirit of Mr.Rabbit and Valentine's Day, I'm asking Streetsblog readers to leave a Valentine's note for Streetsblog in the comments section, on Facebook, or @lastreetsblog on twitter. The most creative writer will win a free Streetsblog tote bag.
Happy Valentine's Day.
P.S. - For those not feeling the creative spark, you could always show your love by clicking here and making a donation. Don't forget to check "Los Angeles" for where your donation should go. Unlike other expressions love, this one is tax-deductible.
In January, construction was substantially complete on the 9.1-mile four-station light rail project, including new stations in the cities of Glendora, San Dimas, La Verne and Pomona