In August of 2010, the Bureau of Street Services repaved Westholme Avenue leading up to UCLA, demolishing the newly-installed and much touted Sharrows placed on the street. After the grumbling was over and the Sharrows were re-installed, the Bureau of Street Services and LADOT promised that Sharrows wouldn't get demolished in future road repavings.
Now we know what this promise looks like in practice.
The Bureau of Street Services has repaved a section of Sharrowed street on Bronson Avenue in Hollywood. Stephen Box grabbed a couple of images so we can see how the Bureau of Street Services handled the repaving.
As you can see, the Bureau of Street Services' solution was to paint around the Sharrows, leaving small stretches of the road where bicycles will ride unpaved. Sometimes they left the Sharrows untouched, sometimes they accidently paved over part of them.
Streetsblog will email LADOT for comment. If there's any news, we'll let you know.