Less than a month ago the LA County Department of Public Works released the "final" draft of the LA County Bike Plan , which focuses on the unincorporated communities in LA County. This coming Wednesday, November 16th the LA County Bike Plan will head to the Planning Commission. This is the first update to the County's existing bike plan in over 30 years and should provide a real vision and commitment to greatly increasing the safety of our unincorporated communities' roadways and encouraging more folks to bicycle to school, work, transit, their daily needs, or for fun over the next 20 to 30 years.
If realized, the implementation of the plan should link residential neighborhoods, schools, business districts, transit hubs, and the unincorporated communities to neighboring incorporated community and would have a significant impact on the region's air quality, public health, and safety of the county.
However, the latest draft does not go far enough to create this network. We feel the plan still needs a number of improvements, including more miles of bike lanes and bike boulevards (also referred to as bicycle-friendly streets) before any action should be taken on it.
We are encouraging everyone to write to the Regional Planning Commission by Monday, November 14th so that all letters are in by the Wednesday, November 16th.
A template letter can be found here, and we encourage you to personalize it and add your own thoughts, especially if there are roadways you feel would make ideal bicycle boulevards. Emails can be sent to:
- Rosie Ruiz, Planning Commission Secretary, Rruiz@planning.lacounty.gov
- Abu Yusuf, County Bikeway Coordinator, AYUSUF@dpw.
We also encourage people to attend the public hearing on Wednesday, November 16th and speak out for a better LA County Bike Plan!
LA County Planning Commission
When: Wednesday, November 16; 9 AM
Where: Hall of Records - Room 150- 320 West Temple Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012