We've already told the tale of a vampire industry that drinks the lifeblood of the poor and a crippling disease called "car ownership" the robs people of their livelihood by chaining them to a couple of tons of metal while convincing them the metal albatross is freedom. Now prepare yourself for the spooky story of a Department of Transportation that forgets to warn drivers to be safe, while warning pedestrians to watch out for those same drivers.
After some hectoring from us in 2007, LADOT began releasing its own set of Halloween safety tips for people exploring their neighborhood that aren't used to traveling on foot. While I appreciate their efforts, if you happen to be a reporter looking for tips for the evening news, I would use NYCDOT's tip list, which remembers that drivers need to be extra careful tonight as well.
Halloween provides a lot of great chances to have fun on our streets and sidewalks. I hope all Streetsbloggers have a great (and safe) night.