I owe such a huge debt of thanks to so many people who made Tuesday's event at the Library Alehouse so darn special. Yeah, we raised some money, but it always amazes me how much fun these events turn out to be and how many amazing people show up.
But first, the thank you's. Of course the event wouldn't have been possible without Tom Kelley and the whole Alehouse crew and let's give a big thanks to all our auction sponsors one last time. Thanks.
And lest I forget, there were a lot of people who made Tuesday work by voluteering at the bike valet, helping spread the word, or just by being a great guest. I know I'll forget someone but thanks to the raffle organizers: Aimee, Rach, Chris and everyone at Clif Bars. And let's not forget the valet volunteers: Joni, Carter, Joel, Juan, Sirinya, Sara, and Erik. Last but not least, thanks to Council Woman Pam O'Connor for being our special guest at lunch.
And mark your calendar for our next event, October 13 we'll partner with the Echo Park Film Center for a special Streetfilms screening. More details to come.