Featured Story: Kimiko Nishitsuji, age 16, pushes pedestrian safety issues in Alhambra after Bo Feng, age 17, killed by dangerous driver at the intersection of Shorb Street and New Avenue. (Alhambra Source, Change, Facebook, YouTube Below)
Today's Headlines:
- New Bus Bench Contract Approved (City Maven, Patch)
- BRU, MTA Argue Over Quality of Bus Service (LAT)
- Traffic Scofflaws Take Aim at Traffic Cameras in SM Mountain Park (LAT)
- Another Family Deals with Hit and Run Murder with Advocacy (Daily News)
- What to Do When Your Ally is Trashy? (Blog Downtown)
- Skyscrapers vs. Sprawl, What Are the Merits (UCLA Real Estate)
- Bob Mionske Responds to Every Internet Troll (Bicycle Law)
- NYC Student Activists Inspire at National Safe Routes to Schools Conference (Cap. Hill Streetsblog)
More headlines at Streetsblog Capitol Hill