Our August 30th fundraiser the Library Alehouse, 2911 Main Street in Santa Monica, is really beginning to shape into quite an event. First off, the Alehouse is donating a portion of every meal, drink, desert, or anything else that they sell to L.A. Streetsblog. Second off, this is the perfect excuse for me to spend 12 hours at one of my favorite places in Santa Monica...on a workday...
But now I have two other special events to announce.
The first is a special luncheon for interested Streetsbloggers with Santa Monica City Council Woman (and Metro Board Member) Pam O'Connor. The car-free O'Connor will be joining us at 12:15 for a special price-fixed luncheon that will include appetizers, an entree and even a small sample from the Alehouse's impressive menu of beer on tap. We'll have more details on that next week, including how you can RSVP for the luncheon.
Second, you may have noticed that we have a pretty impressive auction (more details on that below,) but we're equally happy to announce that New Belgium Brewing is sponsoring a special raffle for the hottest beach cruiser around. New Belgium Brewing is one of our oldest sponsors, having donated to four of our fundraisers in the last 15 months, and we appreciate their support.
More on the raffle after the jump!
But let's not forget our separate raffle we're holding at the same time...:
- A pair of year-long memberships, including stand time and tool rental, at the Bikerowave;
- A month pass for the Big Blue Bus with a special lanyard and toy bus;
- A one month supply of CLIF Bars for a family of three;
- Grab bag of New Belgium Brewing promotional items;
- A Streetsblog schwag bag full of fun Streetsblog items...
I'll be at the Alehouse all day, so mark your calendar now, swing on by and join the Streetsblog team for a 12 hour party in Santa Monica.