- Does Anyone Like Rep. Mica's Transportation Bill? (DC Streetsblog)
- Villaraigosa Plans to Take on Prop. 13 (LAT)
- So. Pas. Eases Opposition to 710 Big Dig (Star-News)
- Lowering State Car Tax Was Really Dumb (LAT)
- Epstein: Thinking of Carmageddon from the East Coast (HuffPo)
- Dude Keeps Suing the Gold Line Authority Over Monrovia Extension (SGV Trib.via Curbed)
- Governor Brown Struggles to Get Rid of State Cars (SacBee)
- Black Women Who Bike D.C. Band Together (WaPo)
- Legal Planet: SB 375 Has Been Ineffective at Reducing Urban Sprawl in California
- Tom Vanderbilt Weighs in on “Carmageddon” (How We Drive)
More headlines at Streetsblog Capitol Hill