Location: SCAG Downtown LA Office, policy Room B
Email: silva@scag.ca.gov
WWW: www.scag.ca.gov/environment/ej.htm
Contact Name: Denise Marie Silva
Phone: (213) 236-1904
For Further Information:
Environmental Justice is the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin or income with respect to the development, implementation and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations and policies.
The Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) has a longstanding policy to actively ensure nondiscrimination in all of its activities and seeks public participation throughout the entire transportation-planning process.
The workshop will include an orientation to the 2012 RTP and SCS, as well as an opportunity to comment on the proposed environmental justice analysis. A more detailed agenda will be distributed prior to the workshop. Additional opportunities to provide input will be available throughout the RTP development process. Please visit our website for more information at www.scag.ca.gov/environment/ej.htm.
Videoconferencing will be available from SCAGs regional offices (Imperial, Orange, San Bernardino and Ventura) and videoconferencing sites (CVAG and Palmdale). Please RSVP to participate by videoconference. For locations and directions, please visit www.scag.ca.gov/regional-offices.