- LAT Editorial: All Hail the Bike Plan
- New Proposed Route for High Speed Rail in and Around L.A. (Curbed, The Source)
- Carpool Widening Underway for the I-5 in Burbank (Daily News)
- Box on the Bike Plan: What a Difference a Few Years Make (City Watch)
- Sirinya Explains How to Use NextTrip (The Source)
- 91 HOT Lanes Owner: Express Lanes Project Should Include Widening (OC Register)
- Rosendahl Questions Whether Farmers Field Will Improve Economy (LAT)
- Meanwhile in Industry, Stadium Drops "Industry" from Its Name (LAT)
- Some Fun Ways to Celebrate the Bike Plan (Mother Nature Network)
- "...the fumes wafting up from the oil well on the Beverly Hills High School property have gone to the Hillbillies' heads, and judgment" (HuffPo)
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