- Metro Eliminating Nine Bus Lines (Daily Breeze)
- Yglessias Provides a Defense of Transit "Boondoggles" and Praises 30/10 (Neon Tommy)
- A Federal Return to "1950's Funding Priorities" Would Be Disaster for CA Transit (CP&DR)
- Citing the L.A. Experience, San Jose Ends Bike Licensing (Mercury-News)
- You Know What L.A. Really Needs? A Soccer Stadium. (Curbed)
- Big Improvements Planned for 4th Street in the Coming Weeks (LADOT Bike Blog)
- Nissan Leaf Gets 99 Miles Per Hour gallon equivalent. Streetsblog racetrack speed test pending. -CR (Daily News)
- Pico-Union Getting Better Bike Parking (LACBC Blog)
- Meanwhile Metro Shuffles the Deck on Their Bike Leadership (The Source)
- Remember That Band That Blocked the 101? They Were Finally Charged Yesterday (LA Weekly)
- When Gene Autrey's Wife Kills Someone With Her Car, Media Calls it Right (LAT, Google)
- But Don't Worry, She Wasn't Charged with Anything. Just an "Accident" (Fox Sports)
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