It's almost a cliche at this point for a blog writer to tell his readers he's thankful for their support, or a non-profit executive to thank his donors. But for this blogger, on this year, nothing could be more true.
It's hardly a secret that this has been a rough year for Los Angeles Streetsblog, and we're still here in large part due to your support. When we said Streetsblog was closing, you said "hell, no." When we said that there was no money to pay either myself or our team of freelancers, you supported us with checks, in-kind donations, and through our online donation options.
We've raised over $5,000 from individual donations this year in addition to our startup-grant from The Bohnett Foundation. Flying Pigeon and LAX Carshare vanguarded our advertising program, and we have some exciting news in the works on that front.
All that being said, if you haven't yet contributed to our cause, please consider doing so by clicking on that link on the right or on the banner graphic at the top of the page. While we've always been the "Budget Streetsblog" compared to the six-figure budgets of our sister-sites, our track record on helping move Los Angeles to a transportation future that is clean and green stacks up well with anyone's. It's why Streetsblog founder Aaron Naperstek says, "You'd be hard-pressed to find a media source or advocacy organization that provides bigger bang-for-the-buck than Streetsblog Los Angeles."
But let me say my thanksgiving thank yous. Nobody has stepped up more to keep L.A. Streetsblog running, and keeping me employed, than the non-profit that sprung to life to support me. The Southern California Streets Initiative has taken editorial and fiduciary control of our local efforts. So, to Dana Gabbard, Joe Linton, Jessica Meaney, Deborah Murphy, James Rojas, and Carter Rubin, I give thanks.
There's also a group of writers who have given their time, and talents, to expand our coverage and have often done so for free. Stephen Box, Gloria Ohland, Drew Reed and Mark Villianatos also deserve our thanks. A special word of thanks to Enci who wrote a series in January critiquing how Los Angeles implements bicycle facilities which did as much for our readership as CicLAvia.
Last, but not least, the team at New York's OpenPlans has put in the time and effort to keep L.A. Streetsblog on its feet. Let's also not forget that for nearly two and a half years Mark Gorton footed almost the entire bill for L.A. Streetsblog and our StreetFilms.
So, thanks everyone. Readers, writers, SCSI'ers, The Bohnett Foundation and everyone else that has made this challenging year such a special one.
See You Monday,