Just in case any of you have missed it, KPCC launched a new environmental blog last month entitled "Pacific Swell." Our old friend Siel Ju joins Molly Peterson as the head writers for the endeavor, and their coverage area and that of Streetsblog often intersect. And we don't need a marked crosswalk to avoid a collision.
Later today, Pacific Swell will be hosting an online chat entitled, “Living Car-Free in Southern California” from 3:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. While I'm not 100% sure that I can make the chat, see my travel note below, I'm confident Siel and Molly are going to have a great conversation. I also know that Safe Streets to School National Partnership's Southern California Director Jessica Meaney and Roadblock will make the chat.
You can get the details of the chat at Pacific Swell. While they have a list of topics they want to cover, I would bet the topics end up being somewhat free-wheeling if you get what I mean.