- via Erik Griswold: Now that's People Powered Transportation.
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"Where we meet" is a series of art crosswalks designed by local artist Keith Knueven as part of the city of Glendale's Creative Crosswalks program
Vermont Ave. bus lanes, Move Culver City, TAP-to-exit, oil, and fire, fire, fire
In addition to Southern California hillsides ablaze, today's headlines also touch on sidewalks, bus shelters, the 710 and 14 Freeways, Pasadena, Big Blue Bus, high-speed rail, and more
Metro plans to add more general purpose lanes as part of its 14 Freeway expansion project through Santa Clarita - a part of L.A. County that is reeling from triple digit heat
Scorching climate-catastrophe-driven heat continues, plus broken sidewalks, 710 Freeway homes, 14 Freeway expansion, carnage, a Santa Monica woonerf, and more