This is going to be totally worth it...we promise...
- Different Takes on Fridays Critical Mass v LAPD (LA Weekly, Fox, Curbed, Bikeside, KTLA, Soap Box, KPCC)
- And the Photog Advocates Are Pissed! (Carlos Miller)
- Biking In L.A. Has the Official Police Statement
- LAPD Tough on Drivers Too. They'll Be Tough on This Kind of Driver at This Time and at This Place... (Daily News)
- Oil Still Gushing Into Gulf of Mexico as Hurricane Season Begins (NYT)
- DASH Bus Cuts Leaving Some Student Commuters Without a Ride (Neon Tommy)
- CHP Trying to Find Highway Sniper (LA_Now)
- Brawls Break Out at Venice Broadwalk As Well (LAT)
- LaHood: We Haven't Endorsed Transit Operating Aid Bill (Transpo Nation)
- Obama Admits Mistakes in Spill Response, Won't Admit Offshore DrillingIs a Mistake (NYT)
- Charles Krauthammer Incapable of Connecting Deepwater Drilling to OilDependence (News)